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Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 18:00

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Welcome To SINA Contraction LLC

Another effective tip to control construction dust is to hang plastic drop cloths known as zipwalls around the area of renovation. But excess of movement should be avoided as it allows the dust to potentially escape and settlement.

The first decision is whether you would reside in the same house during renovation or temporarily shift out. If renovation is just for one place like bathroom or kitchen, its possible to remain staying there with a few adjustments. But if the entire house needs a renovation, it could stretch to a few months and its best to shift to any temporary abode like a rented apartment or a hotel.

Do you need Professionals to project and build your dream home?

We offer the best engineers and builders to make your dreams come true.

Our Promise and Values

We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.



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